Le Furballs Are God's Creations Too

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Take a deep breath. Close your eyes. I would like you to imagine a scene.

            You walked down an alley on your way back from school. As you passed by 3 boys that kept yelling “Nihao! Nihao!” to your face, your eyes caught a  greyish, furry being with red stains all over its body. One of its rear legs was broken and the other one was severely crushed. Its face, oh my goodness! It was so gruesome; you can hardly identify the anatomical structures that were supposed to be at their places. If you were in that situation, how would you feel?

            If words were to describe my feelings, extreme shock and absolute traumatisation fit perfectly. I mean, who wouldn’t? Well, maybe except for Darth Vader and Lord Voldemort! I am, particularly, a cat devotee. At certain times, I hate to be here in Egypt because it is so easy to find dead cats anywhere on the street. I hate it. It is so awful, so horrible.

              Recently, I received unfortunate news from my mother, saying that 5 out of my 8 cats died suddenly within a period of a week. For some people, the loss of a pet might be a momentary sadness. But for me, losing my cats (especially when most of them died suddenly and unexpectedly) was utter devastation. Obviously I had mourned for days T_T

                 We often came across videos of animals on our newsfeed and Instagram, where they acted all cute and silly and funny and we would go “Kyaaaaaaaa ! xD” over them.

           On the other hand, any visuals of cats (and other animals as well) being tortured or tormented were devastating and heartbreaking. Those poor animals were drowned in the toilet bowl, some were fed with potatoes stuffed with needles and pin and some were being squished and trampled to death! I just cannot figure it out! Why on Earth did those dumb savages become so foolish and execute those acts?! xO They were God’s creations too, for goodness sake!

            Even if you are scared of cats and would jump a mile every time it comes near you, please, just do not abuse them. Do not kick them, throw things at them or splash hot water on them. Our beloved Prophet (PBUH) himself owned a cat named Mueeza and left a message for us to love cats as much as we love our own flesh and blood.

               It is a pure blessing from God just to have a cat curling on your lap and purrs for each caress. Cats are living beings, just like us humans. They are never meant to be treated badly. By using our limited resources and energy, let’s try to end cruelty and abuse of cats around us. Because with great power, comes great responsibilities :D


GEN11US is the 11th generation of Malaysian medical students at Kasr El-Ainy School of Medicine, Cairo University in Egypt.


  1. who wrote this? I bet it's Rasyidah

    1. Not quite. If you'd scroll down just a little bit more, you'll get your answer :)


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