“Dari Abdullah bin 'Amr RA berkata bahawa Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda; sampaikanlah daripada aku walaupun satu ayat.”
(HR Bukhari)

Genius' Syndrome!!!
Nah, have you ever heard about it? Yeah, I’d read it once, but not so sure where and which and even when I read this funny and logical fact.
First of all, I want to ask you a question, are you readers, among the top students in your class or in top class in your school? (This question is exclusively for ‘high-schoolers’ and below that level, for medical or engineering student of course you are one of those who SHOULD answer it as ‘yes’.)
If your answer is ‘no’, thank Allah you are excluded from this awful aggravating syndrome which could make others want to stay away from your radius - am I exaggerating? Yes I am. So, say ‘howdy’ to this psychological syndrome, ‘Yes’ people.
Incredulously, almost all of you have or had this syndrome. (FACT. I’m one of those who had this syndrome and since the first time, I read this fact, I started controlling myself for not showing its symptoms.)
What are the symptoms?
- That person would always say, ‘arghh I’m not done reading all those crappy books bla bla blah et cetera et cetera’
- When you ask them any question, they would be like, ‘ahha! (with a luminous bulb bedecking his/ her head – only on manga) I read it before, it…. 'start answering like Google'
- During exam, they would be those who love to bug others with their questions and worries; exaggerating how they don’t have much time to read.
- Revelation time!! When results are on the board, there two kinds of totally annoying reactions:
- if fail (which means B or C), ‘nah, I’m not done reading that much. That’s why I got this’
- If succeed, ‘I’m not studying and got A?!! I’m genius!
Duh!! And this is the exact time when everybody on the hall would like to have his/her fist on your smiley proud face. I’m not saying that it’s not okay to have this syndrome, but there is no necessity for you to express it verbally. Restraining it never make you invisible since there’s no one to praise you.
Instead, just say In Shaa Allah, I studied much and Alhamdulillah when you got the results. People would look at you like a saint with effulgent radiant as a background and HAAAA as soundtrack. So dude, being humble is always the best!
“Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud; Sesiapa yang berkehendakkan dunia maka hendaklah dia berilmu, sesiapa yang berkehendakkan akhirat maka hendaklah dia berilmu dan sesiapa yang berkehendakkan kedua-duanya maka hendaklah dia berilmu."
(HR Tirmidzi)
-Best of Luck!-
Fustateleven ®
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LIKE us on facebook page: Fustateleven
this is cool!
ReplyDeleteada ke org pndai dalam batch kita,puji diri sendiri macam tu?
ReplyDeletesatu lagi, perlukah nak org nampak kita ''like a saint with effulgent radiant as a background and HAAAA as soundtrack. '' mana kerendahan diri di situ?
salam. aku tukang tulis ini karangan or should i call myself 'ana' instead of 'aku' so people will think what a humble pious man i am? pffft. haha peace bro.
Deleteyeah from my writing, i guess u knew what kind of person i am. but miss (im sure you are a 'miss') not all people in the world have such a heart without feeling of proud of their ability as you do. so i wrote this to these kind of people and of course it includes myself.
saya tahu anda sayang saya sbb klu tak syang, anda takkan tegur saya tp bg saya, saya lebih menumpukan golongan y sebegini konfiden dan bajet pandai y mcm saya.
jd klu nk bg kt org y saya tujukan, perlu ke saya jd sang alim dlm tulisan dan menegur dr perspektif org yang alim? saya pasti org mcm saya takkan terkesan, sbb u know (ure commenting on side of them)org y punya masalah dalaman mereka pandang orang baik sebagai org y ingin mencari salah mereka (no offence).
dan saya harap anda baca sekali lagi utk betul2 phm apa yang saya cuba sampaikan atau perluke saya translate satu2? hakhakhakhak (gelak evil) sbb kt sini saya nk terangkan psl satu sikap (dan ianya satu disease!!) dlm diri kita. setiap kli nk periksa kebanyakan dr kita ada benda ni sedar tak sedar. this is actually a headshot for people like me.
p/s tak bermakna klu kita pandai klu kita duk kata kite tak pandai. apa kata klu kita ngaku kita pandai, dan cra nk besyukur dgn kepandaian y Allah bg, kita berusaha untuk berjaya untuk Ummah
-AnAA- aku nk pos gne nme betul aku tp tak bes la. nnti bile bce terbyg mke ak. ak nk korang byg mke sendiri supaya lebih byk terkena. wishing for anonymous to read this. please anonymous please
Anonymus, please be calm, this is just an opinion..
ReplyDeletepeace.. ^-^
Ego Pandai. two ways to cope with it, either faith or failure.
ReplyDeletehadis pnamat tu..power.
genius atau tak tetap fa3alaihi bil ilmi
kekeke. chill la sis. exaggeration kan penting untuk sebuah artikel. xyah logik sangat. peace =.=V
ReplyDeleteuh-oh mana ukhuwah di situ? ^_^
ReplyDeletegen11uses, please be calm and sollu!
it's just an opinion from a friend.
betul2 chillax lu sume. pembaca bg pendapat, penulis kena la terima k. kedamaian ya sume. takyah gaduh2. tak kiut la ukhuwah kita nnti. ihik ihik ihik
ReplyDeleteDi sini, aku tafsirkan bahawa Azam adalah pro kpd penukil karya di atas...
Delete(komen ini ditulis daripada timbalan BPI umah merah)
ak x tulis dgn nada marah pun :( nape sume bce dgn nada marah nih?
ReplyDeletebila lak ak gaduh nih? ak tak mrh pown
maap le penulisnya klu terase :(
syukron ala kulli hal...
ReplyDeleteagama itu nasihat, bukan?
takde button like kt comment@ ke ea? klu ada bru la boleh jd aman.