Ma2kulat ke Kulat? #2: Dragon House


Have you ever wondered how does it feel to be Chinese for a day? To see the world through their eyes? Well, you can't. So, no. Stop wondering!

But hey, the upside is that you can eat like them. (Well, not ‘bak kut teh’ at least, that's a topic for another day)

The equation is simple really. You are what you eat. Eat fatty food=fat, eat healthy food=healthy. So, eat chinese food= chinese. (Einstein would approve!)

With that being said, here is:

"The Complete Guide on HOW to Eat like a Chinaman and other Asian Cuisine" 
by Abe Bonchet

Step 1: Find a Chinese restaurant

There's a bunch of them out there in Egypt but by far the most convenient and reasonable (for me at least) is Dragon House in Maadi. The interior is well-decorated, giving off that Asian ambience.
To make sure they pulled it o ff, they even play those classical Chinese music.

STEP 2: Reaching the destination

There are two ways to reach this amazing Chinese haven.

The first one is by train from Sayyeda and 3ala6ool until you reach Maadi station which requires only 1LE. The only downside to this method is that it is crowded and extremely uncomfortable. Cheap things don’t come easy they say!

The second option is by cab which roughly costs you 25-30LE.You should say to the cabbie to drop you off at Sharie’ 9, which is the main road. (Surely you’d recognise it straight away)
The only disadvantage is that if the traffic is congested then the journey could take up to 45 minutes! So, plan wisely.

*The landmark is MAADI STATION

From there, you just walk straight for a few metres until you see Alef bookstore on your right. If you look around, Voila! You've reached your destination. Now, the entrance is a little bit tricky.
At the end of the corner, there is a spectacles shop.  Turn right and you'll find a small sign of Dragon House, take the stairs.

Step 3: What to order?

Even though it's called Dragon House, they have assorted cuisines from Chinese to Indian and Thailand and yes, they have naan bread (in case you're wondering).
Food was really great, everything was really well prepared, hot and devoured. My meal consisted of ‘sweet and sour chicken’ with a plate rice and topped it off with a cup of tea, with a total cost of 70LE (give or take).

Side note*
You may find in the menu a few list of pork cuisine but to be clear, the restaurant has a whole separate kitchen including the chefs and eating utensils for those particular dishes.

Step 4: Enjoy your meal

Overall, food was amazing, so were the atmosphere and service. Sorry, no pictures to show. Enjoyed it so much till Abe Bonchet forgot to take photos! To get into the Chinese vibe, use chopsticks and delve into the lovely music, and hey presto! Is this Cairo or Beijing?! :D 

Don't forget to tell us your opinion. We would love to hear from you!

Abe Bonchet

GEN11US is the 11th generation of Malaysian medical students at Kasr El-Ainy School of Medicine, Cairo University in Egypt.


  1. pengusaha belog ini, tumpang bertanya. tahu tak, macam mana nak jadikan blog archive terbentuk dengan blog title list ja. tanpa ada 2012, 2013, 2014.....?

    1. Admin tak tahu, maaf. Sebab blog ni pakai template yang dah sedia ada macam gitu.

  2. Thank you Abe Bonchet ! Tot this was a non-halal restaurant.


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